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Estè gets the A’s but God gets the glory

‘IT’S not my doing. It’s definitely Him. I give God all the glory for my results’.

This was the reaction from Hluhluwe’s Estè Louw who became the only pupil in Zululand to earn a place on the Independent Examination Board’s (IEB) list of outstanding achievers countrywide on Tuesday.

With a haul of nine distinctions and an overall average of 97%, the unassuming Felixton College pupil was also placed in the top 1% in the country in eight subjects.

The 18-year-old put Zululand on the national map, attaining 100% in both Maths and Maths 3.

Her nine subject distinctions included English, Afrikaans, Geography, Maths, Maths 3, AP Maths, Life Sciences, Life Orientation and Physical Science.

‘The results are way higher than I expected but I trusted in the Lord.

‘It took a lot of hard work from my side, but without God I would never have achieved these results. I also thank my amazing teachers.

‘All the hours of hard work and their extra effort helped me a lot. I experienced that teaching is more than just a job to them.

‘They made an impact in my life that goes beyond academics.

‘My family’s constant support also helped tremendously.’

Estè has already been accepted to study Occupational Therapy at Stellenbosch University.

‘I enjoy one-to-one relations and would like to make a spiritual impact on people.

‘After visiting hospitals and seeing the long-term relationship developed with patients, I decided that Occupational Therapy was for me,’ explained Estè.

Felixton College’s Xander van Zyl also scooped seven distinctions and will study Biological Sciences at the University of Pretoria this year.

Maintaining the school’s proud 100% pass rate, 26 out of 34 candidates qualified to sit for a degree or diploma while the subject Maths topped the distinction board at the school.

‘We are delighted with our matric results as they provide tangible proof that at Felixton College we ‘go the extra mile’ and continue to punch well above our weight,’ said Felixton College’s Marketing Officer, Debbie Lane.

‘We are extremely proud of Estè Louw and Xander van Zyl, not forgetting the few pupils who rose above their personal circumstances to succeed – that is what true education is all about!’

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