Elections 2014MunicipalNews

Registration still open

If you did not manage to register during last weekend's voter registration, get down to your nearest IEC office

WHILE thousands of Zululanders descended on voting stations last weekend to register to vote ahead of next year’s national general elections, scores of local citizens were reportedly unable to add their names to the voter’s roll.

Some residents told Eyethu Bay Watch they were unaware of their voting station, which should have been publicised ahead of the voter registration weekend.

‘I did not know where my voting station was and when I eventually entered an Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) designated area; I was told I had to go to a different voting station. I was pushed from pillar to post on the day and this should have been communicated to us earlier. There was no proper advertising,’ said one resident.

Another resident, who had relocated from Richards Bay to Empangeni said he was unable to find the correct voting station.

‘I drove past the Civic Centre and there were no IEC boards or signage at the entrance to indicate that the library was a voting station for registration. So I then went home without registering.’

However, uThungulu IEC Regional Supervisor Thule Dlamini said the weekend voter registration was publicised extensively throughout the country through different media platforms.

‘If people are unsure of their voting station, they are welcome to contact the uThungulu IEC office on 035 907 5416 or alternatively the toll free number – 0800 11 8000. Registration is open at all IEC offices located in each of the municipalities within the uThungulu District from 7.30am – 4pm. Within the uMhlathuze municipality only, registration can also be done at all libraries during office hours,’ said Dlamini.

Under the campaign, ‘I X South Africa’ (I Vote South Africa), Dlamini said all areas within the uThungulu District saw an increase of registered voters including a high number of young people registering for the first time.

‘A total of 51 369 people visited voting stations in the District. We saw an increase of 21 898 on the voter’s roll as a result of new registrations or voters moving from different provinces.’

At uMfolozi, a total of 7 606 people visited voting stations, at uMhlathuze (21 968), Ntambanana (2 951), uMlalazi (10 885), Mthonjaneni (2 284) and Nkandla (5 675).

In the various municipalities, there was an increase of 3 538 people on the voter’s roll at uMfolozi, 8 860 at uMhlathuze, 1 960 at Ntambanana, 580 at Mthonjaneni, 4 448 at uMlalazi and 2 512 at Nkandla.

Residents can check registration details by sending an SMS with your ID number to 32810 or go to www.elections.org.za


Are you registered to vote?

ELIGIBLE voters in Zululand are urged to register this weekend in the run-up to the 2014 national general elections.

All voting stations will be opened on Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 5pm for citizens to check their registration status, register or re-register if they have relocated.

Young voters in particular, between the ages of 18 and 19, known as the ‘born frees’ are encouraged to come out in their numbers to register.

Voter registration for youngsters in KwaZulu-Natal currently stands at 19%.

Under the campaign, ‘I X South Africa’ (I Vote South Africa), uThungulu IEC Regional Supervisor Thule Dlamini said 466 620 voters had registered in the District in comparison to 390 519 in 2011.

‘This is a difference of 76 101 voters. In 2011, there were 473 voting stations but 2014 will see an increase of 71 voting stations, totalling 544.

‘There are 71 voting stations at uMfolozi municipality, 122 at uMhlathuze, 58 at Ntambanana, 150 at uMlalazi, 49 at Mthonjaneni and 94 at Nkandla municipality,’ said Dlamini.

Of about 6.9 million people of 15 years and above in the province, 4.5 million are on the KZN voter’s roll.

‘This means about 2.4 million people have not registered in the province.

‘This voter registration is important as voters can check if their name appears on the voter’s roll.

‘Disabled voters who require a home visit for registration can also contact our IEC offices on 035 9075416.’

Dlamini said all was set for voter registration throughout the District with 1 185 recruited to assist ahead of the elections.


All voting stations will be opened on the 9th and 10th November 2013, from 08:00 to 17:00 for citizens to check their registration status, register or re-register if they have relocated.

SMS your ID number to 32810, to check your registration status.

 You can find the IEC on:

You Tube: www.youtube.com/user/IECSouthAfrica

Visit our Website: www.elections.org.za

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/IECSouthAfrica

Follow us on Twitter: @IECSouthAfrica


Who can register?

South African citizens from 16 years of age and above

What do you need?

South African, green, bar-coded ID book or a valid Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC) if you don’t have an ID book

Where can you register?

Registration is open at all IEC offices located in each of the municipalities within the uThungulu District from 7.30am – 4pm

Within the uMhlathuze municipality only, registration can also be done at all libraries during office hours

When can I register?

You can apply for registration at any time. However, to be able to vote in a specific election, you must be registered before the election date is proclaimed (published in the Government Gazette) by the President. The voters’ roll for a specific election closes at 5pm on the day of proclamation. The last election was held on 22 April 2009 and the term of office expires on 22 April 2014. The IEC has 90 days to have an election after the term of office expires. The IEC is ready for an election between 23 April and 22 July 2014.

When do I have to re-register?

You only have to re-register when your home address changes or the IEC informs you that your voting district has changed

How do I know if or where I’m registered?

You can check your registration details by sending an SMS with your ID number to 32810 or go to www.elections.org.za


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