
NFP to march against sentence

March planned to protest against light sentencing

HE National Freedom Party’s (NFP) Ulundi constituency is planning a protest march to the Mahlabathini Magistrate’s Court on 26 November over last week’s ‘lenient’ 15-year jail sentence given to Ulundi businessman Bakhumbule Masondo.

Masondo was charged for the murder and rape of NFP Ulundi Ward 4 Deputy Chairperson, Phumelele ‘Mashenge’ Buthelezi outside her home at about 9pm on Monday, 4 November.

Masondo was arrested last Wednesday and sentenced on Thursday after confessing.

When Buthelezi was buried at her home on Saturday, her murderer had already started serving his jail term.

NFP President Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi applauded the police for the swift arrest, but condemned the sentence handed to him.

NFP constituency Secretary and Exco member of the Ulundi Municipality, Cllr Senzo Shwala, said they will be demanding that the National Prosecuting Authority appeal the sentence.

‘Investigators must establish the motive as we believe that there was political motivation behind the murder,’ he said.

‘We want an investigation to establish whether Masondo is not covering up for other people in this matter.’


11 NOVEMBER 2013

Swift justice in Buthelezi murder

WHILE the President of the National Freedom Party (NFP), Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi welcomed the swift arrest, trial and sentencing of the man who murdered NFP Ulundi Ward 4 branch deputy chairperson, Sphumelele ‘MaShenge’ Buthelezi, she was disppointed with the ‘leniency’ of the sentence.

An Ulundi businessman, Bakhumbule Masondo, appeared in the Mahlabathini Magistrate’s Court on Friday and was handed a 15 year sentence.

Masondo and his mother run a tuck shop and a tavern in the Stetema area of Ulundi.

Buthelezi, also from Stetemai, was found shot dead and was believed to have been raped a few metres from her home at about 9pm last Monday.

Masondo, who was arrested by police for the rape, murder and possession of an unlicensed firearm, pleaded guilty to all the charges.

‘The NFP applaud the police for the work done in speedily investigating and arresting the culprit, but we are appalled by the lenient sentence.

‘At least the culprit should have been given a lengthier sentence to fit the brutal crimes.

‘The court should have considered the fact that the deceased left six young kids, including a seven month old toddler, without a mother,’ said kaMagwasa-Misibi.

‘What message is the court sending to the society plagued by brutal crimes like murder and rape?’



Ulundi leader killed

THE National Freedom Party (NFP) deputy branch chairperson at Stetema (ward 4) in Ulundi, Sphumelele ‘MaShenge’ Buthelezi (36), was found dead after apparently being sexually assaulted a few metres away from her home at about 9pm on Monday.

Neighbours reported hearing gunshots and went to investigate.

They found Buthelezi’s body lying in a pool of blood with two gunshot wounds to the head.

Her skirt was found next to her body and underclothes were partially removed.

NFP president Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi has condemned the incident.

She said, ‘I call on police to expedite their investigation into the murder of our leader and bring the killers before court.

‘We are worried that if such murder of political leaders remains unresolved these might spark-off political violence as the 2014 elections campaign intensifies.

‘We are also worried because at about this time last year our chairperson from the same branch, Themba Jiyane, was also shot dead.

‘Up to this day his murderers have never been brought to book,’ she said.

According to Buthelezi’s younger sister Nonhlanhla Buthelezi, the victim had six children ranging from 16 years to seven months.

About two months ago she was robbed in the area and no one was arrested in connection with the robbery.

‘My deepest condolences go to the Buthelezi family, especially her six children who were robbed of their mother at such a young age.

‘One of her children is only seven months old and she will never know her mother.

‘I also call for calm from our members in the area and to allow the police investigation to take its course,’ KaMagwaza-Msibi said.

One Comment

  1. We still gonna vote although our leaders are being killed and I hope killers will be putted to the place where they belong RIP MaShenge

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