
Independent investigation of police assault claim

The Empangeni case of police brutality has been taken to the Independent Police Investigation Directory

A CASE of alleged police brutality involving officers of the Empangeni SAPS will be investigated by the Independent Police Investigation Directorate (IPID).

This follows claims by Empangeni resident Thami Madlala (37) that he had been brutally assaulted by police members while walking home near Empangeni Rail last week.

According to Empangeni SAPS spokesperson Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose, when allegations are placed against the SAPS, the matter is taken to the IPID for investigation.

‘The Empangeni SAPS are no longer in possession of the docket and the matter has been taken to the relevant authorities who will investigate,’ said Mdlalose.

Upon initial reporting of the case, the SAPS allegedly informed Madlala that without a description or vehicle registration number, it would be difficult to ascertain who the guilty officers are.

However Madlala told the Zululand Observer this week that two witnesses had stepped forward to confirm his story.

‘God has been on my side. The police said because I had no registration number, they would struggle to find the culprits, but just a few days later the same plain-clothed man came to my place of work and in an instant I recognised him and got his vehicle registration number,’ he said.

IPID spokesperson Moses Dlamini confirmed that the case had been telephonically reported and is under investigation.

‘If after the investigation there is evidence that supports the allegations, the matter will be taken to the Director of Public Prosecution to make a decision and thereafter taken to a court for trial. Obviously, if there is no evidence, the matter will be dismissed,’ explained Dlamini.

‘We may also conduct a disciplinary hearing for the officers involved and potentially carry out a general hearing to reiterate the rules and regulations pertaining to police conduct,’ he added.

On Tuesday Madlala, still in pain and showing signs of bruising, said he was due to visit another specialist for further examination.

‘I have blood clots in my eyes which has affected my eyesight,’ said Madlala.

Madlala claimed that on Sunday, 27 October he was pulled aside by Empangeni SAPS officers who allegedly demanded, without valid reason, to search him.

A plain-clothed man allegedly stepped forward to conduct the search, but Madlala insisted on being searched by an officer in uniform.

Madlala said other officers then attacked him and chased him away. En route home after his attack, the plain-clothed man allegedly cornered Madlala and again assaulted him before driving off.


The swollen face of Thami Madlala the day after his alleged brutal attack by the police
The swollen face of Thami Madlala the day after his alleged brutal attack by the police


30 OCTOBER 2013

AN Empangeni man has made claims of police brutality.

Thami Madlala (37) claims he was making his way home on Sunday evening,  walking along John Ross Parkway at the Empangeni Rail.

He said he walked passed three parked Empangeni SAP vehicles, when officers pulled him aside.

‘The police officers told me that I needed to be searched.’

A man dressed in plain clothes stepped forward but Madlala says he asked to be searched by an officer in uniform.

‘I have read the paper about bogus cops and safety comes first,’ said Madlala.

A male officer in uniform searched Madlala whereafter, he says, a female officer stepped forward and verbally abused him.

‘She asked me who I think I am that I get to choose who searches me and then she slapped me across my face.’

He says other police officers then attacked and chased him.

‘They beat me to the ground and I kept asking them what it is that I have done and then they said ‘get up, you dog’’, he explained.

Now injured, Madlala began making his way home.

But further down the street the same plainclothes man cornered him and allegedly assaulted him again, until he was bleeding.

‘He left me lying there.  When I had enough energy to stand up I went to my brothers house. He took me to the police station to open a case,’ said Madlala.

‘I am furious because I was not in possession of anything illegal, nor was I under any kind of influence.’

Spokesperson Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose of the Empangeni SAP explained that it is vital the complainant opens a case.

‘It is necessary to get the vehicle registration number and if enough evidence is gathered to prosecute, the commander in charge may suspend the guilty officer,’ said Mdlalose.

‘What has happened is unacceptable and we will investigate the matter.

‘By law, a police officer who is not in uniform must produce his or her identification certificate. It is illegal to conduct a search without identifying yourself.’

One Comment

  1. My dad and I were just discussing this yesterday, The police aren’t there to police us anymore they have become a government mafia

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