
Jungle justice for knife-wielding robbers

Two allege robbers landed in hospital after being attacked by mob

Two young alleged robbers from Madlanzini in Richards’s Bay got more than they bargained for on Friday morning after being attacked by community member who are fed up with crime.

The duo was suspected of robbing a local supermarket using knives at around 10am, escaping with an undisclosed amount of cash, airtime and other items.

Sizabantu Supermarket owner Solomon Sheamado told the Zululand Observer that two young men entered the shop, threatened him and his female assistant with knives and demanded cash.

‘I thought they were customers. One pushed me against the wall and had a knife on my neck, while the other dealt with my assistant. They asked us to sit down and be quite or ‘someone will get hurt’. I was so scared and thought they were going to stab me. Eventually they fled on foot with our money and airtime,’ said Sheamado.

According to community members, the first suspect was eventually apprehended in the area shortly after the incident, while the second was caught almost two hours later hiding in the bushes next to the Richards Bay airport.

Furious residents allegedly attacked the suspects with bottles, bricks and other objects. They were later were transported to Ngwelezane Hospital for medical treatment under close police guard.

They were arrested and charged with business robbery.

Richards Bay SAPS spokesperson Captain Debbie Ferreira confirmed the arrests and that they were receiving medical treatment.

‘The suspect were apprehended by residents after the incidents and suffered bodily injuries due to alleged attacks by the community,’ said Ferreira

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