Wax treatment leaves woman scarred

Woman claims hot wax fell onto her leg, burning the flesh

AN EMPANGENI woman suffered second and third degree burns and was left with severe scarring after a waxing accident at a beauty salon in Richards Bay over a week ago.

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, wants to warn others to ensure that the service providers they visit for beauty treatments have contingency plans in place to deal with emergencies or accidents.

She had visited the salon for a waxing treatment. However, during the procedure the roller wax cartridge popped open and hot wax fell onto her leg, burning the flesh.

To add to the disaster, the establishment did not have a first aid kit or burn treatment and she was given a towel and some massage oil to try wipe it clean while the staff left to seek help nearby.

When they did not return, she got into her vehicle and drove in peak traffic to Empangeni where she sought help at Empangeni Garden Clinic.

‘I was disappointed that the staff did not react immediately and did not address the situation with the seriousness and urgency it needed.

‘To remove the wax that was crusted on the wound I had to undergo sedation.

‘I was so stunned that the institution did not have the necessary equipment to deal with an emergency situation.

‘I have been left with a terrible scar and will not been able to wear anything short again.

‘I have sought legal advice on the matter and do not want to anyone else to fall victim to this kind of accident,’ she said

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