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Wax treatment leaves woman scarred

Woman claims hot wax fell onto her leg, burning the flesh

AN EMPANGENI woman suffered second and third degree burns and was left with severe scarring after a waxing accident at a beauty salon in Richards Bay over a week ago.

The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, wants to warn others to ensure that the service providers they visit for beauty treatments have contingency plans in place to deal with emergencies or accidents.

She had visited the salon for a waxing treatment. However, during the procedure the roller wax cartridge popped open and hot wax fell onto her leg, burning the flesh.

To add to the disaster, the establishment did not have a first aid kit or burn treatment and she was given a towel and some massage oil to try wipe it clean while the staff left to seek help nearby.

When they did not return, she got into her vehicle and drove in peak traffic to Empangeni where she sought help at Empangeni Garden Clinic.

‘I was disappointed that the staff did not react immediately and did not address the situation with the seriousness and urgency it needed.

‘To remove the wax that was crusted on the wound I had to undergo sedation.

‘I was so stunned that the institution did not have the necessary equipment to deal with an emergency situation.

‘I have been left with a terrible scar and will not been able to wear anything short again.

‘I have sought legal advice on the matter and do not want to anyone else to fall victim to this kind of accident,’ she said


  1. if the victim provides the name of the salon in question it would already save others from falling victims to such unprofessional services provided by one so called fly by nights that are not properly trained & lack facilities as was in the victim’s case…& unfortunately sometimes we have ourselves to be blamed as we allow ourselves to use such services.:-(

  2. I think that salon was operating by mistake, how can the salon operates without first aid box and I think the safety & healthy officer for local Municipality must be accountable he/she must visit the place of incident for safety inspection.

  3. The salon has to be named to prevent others from being victims, if not we would all be afraid to go to any salon.

  4. I want to name the Salon but it is not as simple as that because she practices with other people and this will have an implications on innocent lives who’ve had nothing to do with this incident.

  5. I am sorry for what happened to the lady, but was it done intentionly or was it a accident? I do not think that anyone working with wax will do such a thing on purpose. But a factory vault, can happen anywhere, even by the best salons in the country. The scars will heal with the necessary care and then for after care tissue oil will take the scares away, completely. In any profession mistakes do happen, but bring me the profession that are perfect. Yes we all strive to do our best. Surely this lady will not treat any client or even her enemy like that on purpose…. We are easy to pick up stones and start throwing, but what would you have done if you are on the other side and not the receiving side…..

  6. I don’t mean to be inconsiderate to the burn victim but I would like to know if this was the first time you went to this specific salon for waxing? From my understanding of this article it seems there was a problem with the wax cartridge itself or how else wud it just fall open. We are all human and nobody is perfect so how is it that we can base our judgements of a person based on someone else’s experience. Furthermore I would like to say that it is only natural for a human to go into shock in an incident that they haven’t experienced before so maybe that’s what happened to the staff at the salon who you say didn’t react immediately
    I for one can say from experience that we can all judge from the outside but when you in the situation it’s a totally different story. I am sorry about your burns anonymous but I’m sure in due time it will heal. I’m sure it’s also a learning lesson for people but everybody deserves a second chance.

  7. I know which salon it was and sadly its not the first time such an incident has occured there. Talking from experience as I have worked there and if I’m not mistaken have reported the roller wax machines being broken and heat settings also broken. Handing somebody wax cleaner to apply to the skin is sheer stupidity as it is a surface cleaner and may have eaten the skin adding more trauma to the area burnt. Yes everybody makes mistakes but this is just ridiculous! The salon in question has a reputation for such incidents. What’s worse is that the Regional manager was not aware of this incident until I forwarded this article to a friend and asked for her to send it to their head office.

  8. I think the focus should be “why was there no FIRST AID kit at the salon as accidents do happen and all the ladies at the salon should be prepared to assist any client in any emergency.

  9. While the injury is a bit pain full, it can be fixed. It would have been worst if you would have your moustache waxed?

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