
Suspected poachers busted

Two suspected poachers were stopped in their tracks by security guards at the exclusive private game reserve - Thula Thula

ARMED with axes, home-made rifles and knives, two suspected poachers were stopped in their tracks by security guards at the exclusive private game reserve, Thula Thula in Ntambanana on Friday.

The prowling men were reportedly seen by one of the security guards at around 6am before a chase ensued.

One of the three suspects managed to escape while the other two men were apprehended by Thula Thula’s 24-hour security team.

‘Our guards shot and wounded one of the suspects. The men were caught with home-made rifles, knives and axes. We suspect they were after rhino horns on the reserve. We hope that justice will be done,’ said Thula Thula owner, Françoise Malby-Anthony

The two suspects were taken to the Ntambanana SAP for interrogation and a case was subsequently opened.

The dramatic unfolding of events was also caught on camera by French guests and journalists – Gaelle Fauquembergue and Karine Albertazzi.

‘There was an unbelievable response from the public to the posting of photographs on our Thula Thula facebook page and it just shows the frustration of people provoked by increasing violence and rhino poaching,’ added Malby-Anthony.


This comes as the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs announced on Friday that the total number of rhino poached in South Africa since January 2013 had increased to 746.

The Kruger National Park continues to bear the brunt of rhino poaching with 450 rhino killed for their horns this year alone.

Of the total number of rhino poached, 80 rhino have been killed in Limpopo, 75 in North West, 70 in KwaZulu-Natal and 63 in Mpumalanga.

The department said the number of people arrested for rhino related offences was 228.

Zululanders are encouraged to report incidents of poaching and tip-offs to the anonymous tip-off lines 0800 205 005, 08600 10111 or Crime-Line on 32211.

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