
Crime fight needs public support

Residents complain about escalating crime but don't bother to attend Community Policing Forum meetings

CONCERN has been raised about the lack of public interest and involvement in anti-crime initiatives.

While City residents complain endlessly about crime, only 10 people attended last week’s Empangeni Community Policing Forum (CPF) meeting.

With Empangeni ranked as the sixth highest crime area in KwaZulu-Natal according to latest crime statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa, CPF committee members said more residents had to play an active role in combatting crime.

As a result of the poor attendance at the CPF meeting, it has now been rescheduled for 6 November at 6pm at the Empangeni Civic Centre in the hope of a better turnout.

‘It is imperative that there is a cooperative relationship between residents and police,’ said Empangeni CPF Chairman Zilindile Masango.

‘If residents do not attend and help us take action, crime will continue to escalate. We need to do this together,’ added Masango.

‘There is an active Facebook page which is a platform for locals to create awareness and send out alerts on criminal activity within the area,’ said Business Against Crime (BAC) Manager Dave Whittaker.

‘We need these people to attend the CPF meetings in to strengthen the network of communication with them. It is important that we as the community rally to support the SAPS,’ Whittaker said.

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