Illegal farm sale in court

A man stands accused of selling plots off a private farm

A MAN alleged to have illegally sold privately owned land on the outskirts of Mtubatuba appeared in court on Friday and will reappear on Wednesday to apply for bail.

Mphatheni Ndwandwe’s (52) is accused of selling farm plots to local community members since March last year.

He reportedly charged potential buyers registration fees of R150 and offered ‘stands’ for prices ranging between R3 000 and R3 500, said the Mtubatuba SAP.

‘Over 500 members of the community were seeking to purchase land from the suspect, many of whom have stepped forward to submit their statements,’ said SAP spokesperson Lieutenant Mandla Mpontshane.

Most affected by the dubious dealings was the land owner, who was forced to apply for an interdict at the Pietermaritzburg High Court in March last year.

However, even after being served by the court, Ndwandwe continued to trade land.

‘Last month, he started building his own house on the farm,’ says Mpontshane.

‘We arrested him on charges of trespassing, invading of land and contempt of court.’

Mpontshane warns that no further building on the farm will be tolerated.

‘Any person who enters this property will be arrested.

‘In South Africa we have traditional leaders and municipalities to obey and one cannot buy land without the authority of your local municipality or representing Inkosi,’ he said.

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