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Bumper bookings at Zululand reserves

Day visitors to all these reserves are also warned to note that numbers of visitors are restricted

THE award winning reserves in Zululand are proving popular with visitors over the festive season.

At the recent Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Excellency Awards, Kosi Bay, Cape Vidal and Mantuma (uMkhuze) – all in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, and uMlalazi (Mtunzini) won awards in the various accommodation categories, while the flagship Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park was named the best conservation area.

Booking average close to 90%
These reserves are almost fully booked up to Tuesday, 3 January.

Booking statistics as at 9 November reflect these successes with over 96 and 93 percent occupation at Cape Vidal and Kosi Bay respectively between 16 and 24 December.

They are 97 and 96% booked the following week.

Sodwana Bay is around 80% full for the two weeks ending 3 January, while iMfolozi Game Reserve resorts are around 90% full.

St Lucia and uMkhuze have lower occupancy over the same period.

Day visitors to all these reserves are also warned to note that numbers of visitors are restricted.

The water situation in all reserves remains critical and visitors are asked to use water sparingly.

While the good rains have changed the parched brown veld to lush green grass in most areas, the region is still in the throes of a crippling drought and water reserves are low.


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