Local Business

A breath of fresh air

The RBCAA has taken its role as guardian of the earth’s atmosphere seriously and is not anti-industry, but rather pro responsible development

THE City of uMhlathuze, with Richards Bay as its economic hub, is home to Africa’s largest port with its substantial bulk handling capacity and is home to the largest single coal handling facility in the world.

If you are a resident of this beautiful city, you probably are aware of the various forms of commercial, light and heavy industrial activities taking place, including aluminium smelting, a craft process paper mill, a phosphoric acid fertilizer plant, a minerals refining plant and a number of smaller chemical and mechanical processors.

Thus, it’s no surprise that the quality of the air we breathe raises cause for concern.

In 1996, the community could breathe a massive sigh of relief when a Section 21, non-profit organisation named The Richards Bay Clean Air Association (RBCAA), was established with the fundamental purpose of monitoring the city’s air quality.

RBCAA responded to the need for air quality monitoring at a time when there were no such systems in place in the region and has managed to successfully interact and partner with industry as well as the general community.

The association has had a massive impact on industrial development and daily operations in what is now known as the City of uMhlathuze.


There is a fine balance between job creation through attracting industry and protecting the public from potential danger; the two are not mutually exclusive.

The RBCAA has taken its role as guardian of the earth’s atmosphere seriously and is not anti-industry, but rather pro responsible development.

Its 20-year commitment has at times been the only safety net for the vulnerable public living in an industrial city, which by its very nature poses health risks.

A tried and tested formula and long-term success of the RBCAA is a testament to the fact that integrated air-quality management is not limited to local government authorities, but also to NGOs, major industry and all other interested and affected parties.

Everyone plays a role

The achievements of the RBCAA are purely due to the integrity and genuine pursuit for a better environment on behalf of its members, which include a commendable level of industry co-operation and transparency.

The positive role of Richards Bay Clean Air Association is worthy of the full support of the city, industry, government and the public, and will beyond doubt leave a lasting legacy for many generations to come.

Do you want to log a complaint? Here’s how:

Send your complaint, which can be lodged anonymously, to complaints@rbcaa.co.za with the following information:

• Name (optional) and phone number

• Location

• Date

• Time

• Details of complaint

• Physical symptoms, if any.

RBCAA members

Founder Member

Sandy Camminga

Industry Members

Bidvest Tank Terminals

Collateral Trading

Felixton Cane Growers

Foskor Grindrod Terminals


Mondi S A Division

Mhlathuze Water

Mpact Paper




Tronox – Has withdrawn as a member of the RBCAA effective 1 January 2017

Tongaat-Hulett Sugar

Transnet National Ports Authority

Transnet Port Terminals

Zululand Fire Protection Association

Honorory Members

D Barton-Hobbs F Schmidt


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