Local Business

Informal traders empowered

‘With these tools we are confident that they will be able to create thriving businesses in their localities'

A MOBILE entrepreneurs’ project has been launched as a ‘modern trade concept’ to better organise the work of local informal traders.

Spearheaded by the King Cetshwayo District at uMkhobose Reserve outside eSikhaleni last week, the aim of the initiative was to recognise the pivotal role of the informal sector in growing the economy of the district.

‘The informal sector is fast-growing, hardworking and critical to the growth of the district’s economy,’ said District Mayor Nonhle Mkhulisi.

‘We are giving away five mobile kitchens, fridges and mobile toilets to identified entrepreneurs in the five local municipalities of the district,’ she said.

‘With these tools we are confident that they will be able to create thriving businesses in their localities.

‘One step at a time, we are transforming the agricultural and local economic development sector, and ultimately hope to reduce the hungry in this district.’

The district also hosted the community outreach event as a means of raising awareness around food security, and to empower the Mphembeni community to grow food gardens and secure their own food sources.

The municipality further donated 1 000 chicks for poultry farming and 1 000 butternut seedlings.

‘It is significant that we are hosting this event in a month that is recognised by our government as Food Security Month. We will not allow our people to go hungry where there are opportunities to grow your own food.’

Reflecting on the fact that hunger is a worldwide scourge, the Mayor said it was a harsh reality that our country was at the same time battling a drought.

‘We urge you all to collect rain water while you can and to use it sparingly. Use bath water to water the gardens, and collect rain water to flush the toilets.’


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