RBIDZ team mentors Mandlanzini teens

There is no time like the present to put a good plan in place

EMPLOYEES of the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ) got in the zone on Thursday teaching female pupils of Madlanzini how to properly prepare for their future.

The event, in celebration of Women’s Month at Lizwi Secondary, was held to encourage Grade 11s to take charge of their own lives and apply early at tertiary institutions while they still have a year left at school.

They were also advised to focus on their studies, seek financial aid timeously, research different fields of professions, manage their time sensibly and ensure peer pressure does not steer them off a promising course.

RBIDZ Corporate Services Unit Executive Manager, Simphiwe Mbonambi told the teens there is no time like the present to put a good plan in place.

‘This is your most important year. This is your Grade 12, because universities and other tertiary institutions will look at your academic results at the end of this year, not the next.

‘Start planning for your future now – you do not need to be 100% sure, but at least have a good idea to research where courses that interest you are available, and which institution providing those will suit you best.’

She added that each youngster should run her own race.

‘Look carefully at your friends at this stage and review the people you are hanging out with.

‘It might be nice to be popular, but in the long run it will do nothing to help you achieve success in the future.

‘Also always remember, success is not just about making money and benefiting yourself and your family, but giving back to your community.

‘Do not worry about keeping up with the Joneses. Believe in yourself, dream big and work hard to achieve your goals.’

The team ended the day by splitting the pupils into groups to explain their respective roles and responsibilities at the RBIDZ. Gift hampers packed with feminine products were also handed out to the excited young women.


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