Local Business

Skills audit to strengthen industry database

‘The identification of scarce skills within this region is paramount'

THE Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone has appointed a consultant to start crunching numbers on Zululand’s lack and supply of manufacturing skills.

Usakhile Consulting was appointed to conduct a regional audit to assist the RBIDZ in attracting more direct local and foreign investments.

‘A number of potential investors have signed recognition and lease agreements, which would consequently improve employment opportunities within our region,’ said RBIDZ Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gugu Zwane.

‘But the RBIDZ does not have a databank of existing and required skills in the manufacturing sector of the uThungulu district.

‘It is for this reason that the RBIDZ is undertaking a study that will provide a database of existing skills; an understanding of annual cost-to-company factors for benchmarking purposes; and an understanding of scarce skills and structured information to enable investors to prioritize placement of certain learners for practical training.

‘The identification of scarce skills within this region is also paramount to enable local universities, SETAs (skills information training authorities) and TVETs (technical vocational education and training) to proactively establish training programmes pertaining to those skills.’

Zwane requested all manufacturers to assist the consultants with data and information to make the assignment a success.

Usakhile stated the data that will be collected from companies will be handled with confidentiality and will not be shared with any third parties without consent.

‘The interpreted findings will be made available to companies through the Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry and this will help them understand recent skills information from the region’s sub-sector.

‘Our audit questionnaire has also been designed to be as convenient as possible for stakeholders to complete.
‘From start to finish, it should only take approximately 45 minutes.’


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