Student bursaries on offer

The scholarships will give someone who has made a mistake another opportunity and provide some insight into some common financial slips students make.

TWO scholarships are on offer to students who have learnt from bad financial decisions.

Financial services company DirectAxis will make R20 000 available to bright minds who own up to the biggest money blunders they have made and, most importantly, what these have taught them.

‘We have all heard the stories about students who got loans to pay for their education and used the money to trade on the JSE, buy a car or even just partied it away,’ said DirectAxis Head of Marketing, Marlies Kappers.

‘It is easy to write this off to young people being irresponsible, but it may be because they did not know any better or did not understand the consequences.

‘Consider someone who, other than their peers, has no frame of reference, financial role models or anyone who can give them sound financial advice.’

She said the scholarships will give someone who has made a mistake another opportunity and provide some insight into some common financial slips students make.

‘We hope the information we receive will enable us to help other students from making similar mistakes, by posting financial education pieces on our website and blog, providing tips on our social media platforms and through media campaigns.’

How to apply

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be a current or prospective student at a registered tertiary institution.

Applicants must like and follow DirectAxis on Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn, submit a 250 word biography and write an essay of between 1 200 and 1 500 words answering the following question: What is the biggest financial mistake you have ever made and what have you learnt from it?

The essay should be submitted to scholarship@directaxis. before 31 October.

The two winners of the R20 000 scholarships will be announced on 10 December and the money will be paid directly to the tertiary institution the student is attending in 2017.

For more information, including the judging criteria, applicants can visit the company website https://www.


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