Student counts her blessings with coal terminal

RBCT bursar achieves WITS Dean's Recognition Award for accounting

IN 2013, the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) Operations General Manager, Jabu Mdaki, heard the voice of Harina Ndaba on uKhozi FM, desperately asking for financial assistance to continue her studies after achieving five distinctions in matric.

RBCT answered that call and today, the 22-year-old has not only completed her Bachelor of Accounting Science Degree at the University of Witwatersrand (Wits), but done so with flying colours.

Last year she received the Wits Dean’s Recognition Award that recognises the top 10% of students in each degree programme with above 75% averages.

‘I’m excited to now enrol into the Honours Programme with Wits,’ said Ndaba.

‘RBCT CEO Nosipho Siwisa-Damasane has recommended that I consider doing my articles with an auditing firm to get grounded and deep exposure so I am seriously considering this too.’

One of her greatest highlights so far was achieving seven distinctions in her first year at Wits.

‘It was such a major accomplishment for me.

‘Much of my motivation comes from the desire to build a house for my mother.

‘The condition of the house we live in is not good.

‘My second motivator is to study hard, get good results, get a good job and be able to live a decent life, a life where we will never go hungry again.

‘Growing up, we did not always have food and had to go to bed on empty stomachs.’

She thanked RBCT for their financial assistance and continuous support.

‘I am so very grateful to my sponsors and RBCT for the vocational work opportunities and my older sister who works hard as a domestic worker to keep our family running with her earnings.

RBCT CEO Nosipho Siwisa-Damasane said Harina is inspirational to all RBCT’s bursars.

‘She has demonstrated that if you stay focused, humble and dedicated to your work, even in a turbulent environment, you succeed.

‘In every situation, go for gold!’

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