Local Business

Major milestone for mining leader

Big event but small celebrations for RBM's 40th

THE achievements are noteworthy, but the celebrations will be muted as Richards Bay Minerals this year marks 40 years of existence.

Speaking at a media briefing on Friday morning, RBM General Manager: Communities and Corporate Relations, Fundi Dlamini, said cost cutting would be the order of the day as the mining sector knuckles down in the face of low commodity prices.

‘There will be one single event to celebrate all achievements, past and present.

‘Doing more with less will be the theme this year.

‘We had the bad news from our Group CEO mid-January that there will be a wage freeze – no increases – for the entire Rio Tinto operation worldwide,’ said Dlamini.

‘It’s now all about production efficiencies and a critical look at budgets.

‘Furnace 3 remains shut but we will prepare for its rebuild at the end of the year.

‘Importantly, we did not lose money in the past year, thanks to proactive measures.

‘As we continue to monitor performances, we will produce according to the demands of the market, rather than for ourselves.’

Dlamini said there had been no retrenchments despite the tough economy.

‘Four years ago we took a decision to not fill any posts that became vacant.

‘This has had a positive spin-off in that people are gaining experience in other areas.’

Drought impact

With RBM’s process highly dependent on water, Dlamini voiced concern over low levels at Goedertrouw Dam, the region’s major resource.

‘We have achieved significant water savings, but unless the City of uMhlathuze and others follow suit, we could be in crisis.

‘We plan to meet urgently with the City and provincial authorities over this matter. We do have some ideas.’

While the new Zulti South mining project is still very much on board, Dlamini said there would be delays.

‘We did receive a favourable Record of Decision, but the Department of Forestry has appealed this.

‘Pending the completion of the EIA, we would then await our water usage licence.

‘We had planned on starting in 2016 but we are now looking at 2017, and after a two-year construction period we want to be ready before 2020 in time for when the market picks up.;

The Zulti South venture includes the relocation of 18 homesteads that stand in the mine’s future footprint.

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