Attorneys offer free wills

Basic wills at no cost during National Wills Week

PEOPLE can secure their estates for loved ones by drafting a basic will free of charge during National Wills Week between 15 and 19 September.

Attorneys’ firms throughout the country are participating in the project.

‘By ensuring that you have a valid will, you as the testator, can protect their interests and ensure that there is no delay in settling your estate after your death,’ said Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) Co-Chairpersons Ettienne Barnard and Max Boqwana.

‘It also ensures that your executor will act according to your wishes as set out in your will.

‘A valid will allows you to state who should inherit your assets and property, to appoint an executor of your choice for your estate and also a guardian for your minor children.’

Barnard and Max Boqwana added that individuals who have been recently divorced or widowed, or those who are cohabitating with their partners for some time, should also consider having a will drafted.

‘If you have been cohabitating with your partner, it is advisable to have a will to ensure that there are not competing claims on your estate.

‘Similarly, unmarried persons – particularly those who may have a number of people that depend on them financially – should ensure they have a will in place, as several people could make a claim on their estates.’

All firms who are part of the National Wills Week initiative will display posters with their contact details so that members of the public can make appointments.

A list of contact details for local attorneys participating can also be found on

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