Communication, the key to good business

Communication experts explain how words in the workplace can make or break a business

IN the competitive business world, communication experts from locally and internationally renowned trailblazer companies all agree on one thing – talk is certainly not cheap.

Since poor communication in a company has far-reaching negative effects invisible on a balance sheet, the exact financial costs remain hidden.

Bell Equipment’s Group Internal Communications Manager Cindy Turner believes communication ‘can make or break a business’.

She was responding to a Harvard Business Review article rating the ability to effectively communicate as the most important factor when deciding which employees to promote.

‘Successful businesses focus on their people by talking to them and involving them in business decisions,’ Turner says.

‘It has long been known that employees are the greatest resource of any organisation, so it is crucial to foster a collaborative working environment which brings people together to work towards a common goal.’

If this is not done effectively, Turner believes team-members lose sight of ‘rowing in the same direction while enjoying the journey’ and instead adopt a ‘no care’ attitude, which ultimately erodes product quality, overall production and ultimately business profits.

‘An ill-informed employee can hurt your company’s long-term growth just as much as a disgruntled one, so talk to one another and enjoy the interaction,’ said Turner.

Anglo American South Africa’s Head of Corporate Communications and Branding, Dr Pranill Ramchander, strongly agrees with the Harvard publication’s findings, noting that ineffective communication at work does not only paralyse the staff, but also handicaps the company’s productivity.

‘Clear communication in the workplace is one of the prerequisite aspects in ensuring that a company runs smoothly.

‘If not given full attention, communication barriers can cause slip-ups, confusion, conflict, and stagnate production,’ says Ramchander.

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