Local newsNewsRhino Diaries

Crucial year for rhinos

During 2014, a reported 1 215 rhinos were poached in South Africa.

AT the beginning of the 20th century there were 500 000 rhinos of all sub-species across Africa and Asia.

This number fell to around 70 000 by 1970 and an estimated 29 000 in the wild by the end of 2013.

During 2014, a reported 1 215 rhinos were poached in South Africa and as at 27 August last year, 749 rhinos had been killed according to official statistics released by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.

The final 2015 figures have not yet been released by the department.

According to Project Rhino KZN’s Facebook page, the number of rhino poached in the province during 2015 is 116, with 79 people arrested for poaching related incidents.

Despite this bleak picture and the continuing threat of poaching of rhino for their valuable horns, conservationists on the ground are determined to keep up the fight.

Let us hope 2016 is the turning point for this magnificent species.

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