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A Christmas feast for the elderly

Rocking senior citizens Christmas party

AT a senior citizens Christmas function held at Emanembeni, Ward 12 of uMfolozi Municipality on Monday, KwaMthethwa interim Inkosi Mntanenkosi Mthethwa warned the youth to stop abusing the elderly.

The ‘madalas’ were bussed in from five uMfolozi municipal wards and a huge tent was erected to shade them from the scorching sun, where they had fun as music, song and dance emanated from the loudspeakers, and a time to meet old acquaintances.

Food and drinks flowed and all round jubilation prevailed.

Food parcels prepared as Christmas goodies for them waited to be off-loaded from a municipal truck.

Mthethwa chastised, ‘What do these sick young men who abuse our gogos see in them-what makes them want to rape a gogo,’ a shocked Mthethwa chastised.

Wishing the gogos and the mkhulus well during the festive season, both the Speaker of uMfolozi Municipality Cllr Dan Mfusi and the Mayor Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge condemned the rampant drinking and drug abuse the young people engage in, especially during this time of the year.

They both blamed the youth for neglecting and abusing their elderly people and some stealing for their pension money.

‘I want to sound a warning to our girls – stop going to taverns, drinking yourselves into a stupor, and contracting HIV/ Aids.

‘It’s sad to see young people running around with green bottles in their hands, especially during this time of the year, making it look like a fashion statement,’ Mgenge added.

The mayor also requested the elderly to pray for the councillors, so they render the best service to the people.

He further asked for there to be peace in the area, imploring those who engage in faction fights during the festive season, to desist from do so.

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