
UPDATE: Stokvels warned to be safe with cash

Police caution stockvels about carrying large sums of cash as festive season approaches.

POLICE have warned stokvel saving club members to be vigilant when withdrawing or distributing large sums of cash as the festive season approaches.

This follows a robbery in Empangeni on Saturday where three women were robbed of R110 000 shortly after they left a bank.

Police officers patrolling in the vicinity responded to the incident and police Sergeant Niren Ramsaroop was shot and killed while apprehending one of the suspects, while the other fled with the cash.

The incident has raised the alarm relating to stokvel members carrying large sums during this period and they have been advised to find alternative methods to distribute cash safely.

Empangeni SAPS spokesperson, Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose, said members should avoid carrying large sums of money in public.

‘We urge all people who participate in stokvels to transfer their money via banks and not carry the cash with them.

‘If this is not possible, members can inform the police when they are going to the bank and we can increase patrols in those areas.

‘They must be alert during their gatherings or meetings or when distributing the payout to avoid being targeted and robbed,’ said Madlalose.

Stokvels: These are invitation only clubs of twelve or more people serving as rotating credit unions or saving scheme in South Africa where members contribute fixed sums of money to a central fund on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

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