
VIDEO: Policeman shot and killed in Empangeni CBD

An irate mob demanded retribution after a policeman was shot outside a busy supermarket in Empangeni today.

AN Empangeni policeman died after he was shot during a struggle with an armed robber near Power Spar in the CBD this morning.

According to eyewitness accounts, two suspects had grabbed a woman’s handbag inside the taxi rank and the officer, who was on duty and patrolling the area, gave chase.

He managed to catch one suspect, not realising he was armed.

Both men fired shots in the ensuing struggle.

Paramedics were unable to resuscitate the Sergeant who was shot in the chest at close range.

The shooter was also wounded in the leg by the officer.

Second suspect

It is believed the second suspect managed to escape with the woman’s handbag, which contained ‘stokvel’ money drawn at a nearby ATM.

A mob gathered at the scene were baying for blood when they realised the policeman had been declared dead.


The suspect was taken to hospital for further treatment, despite attempts by bystanders to obstruct paramedics from taking him.

The policeman, whose name is known to the Zululand Observer, cannot be identified at this time as some of his next of kin have not been notified.

This after a policeman was shot in the head on Thursday in eNseleni.


Read more in the ZO Monday edition.



Additional reporting by Thando Ndlovu and Kyle Cowan

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