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Two rhino saved from thick mud

Conservation staff are spending much of their time freeing rhinos and other mud wallowers trapped in drying mud.

WHILE the effects of the drought on communities and livestock have been widely publicised, the plight of wildlife in game reserves has gone largely unnoticed, until now.

The role of Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife in protecting animals in our province’s game reserves extends to rescuing them from natural disasters, in this case freeing rhinos and other creatures stuck in rapidly drying mud wallows.

‘We’re regularly called out to rescue animals stuck in thick mud. Recently two rhino were safely removed from danger, in 40 degrees Celcius,’ said Ezemvelo Vet Dave Cooper.

‘Stuck animals are often panicked and we are at great risk since we cannot escape and must sedate the animal quickly,’ he said.

‘Once sedated, we clear the nostrils of mud, ensure the head is raised, work the rope around the animal’s head, which in rhino is behind the horn and under the jaw, then work our way back through mud to either pull it ourselves using manpower or a tractor’.

Roped up, this sedated rhino is ready to be extricated from the mud wallow in which it had become trapped
Roped up, this sedated rhino is ready to be extricated from the mud wallow in which it had become trapped

This is a mammoth task and the mud is so thick and sticky that it is more treacherous for humans to traverse or escape.

Sometimes creative methods must be employed when readying the animal for escape.

In last week’s rescue, that meant the conservation employees had to sit on the rhino’s back while tying the rope around its head.

This practice in no way harms the animals.

‘Conservation and rescue of wildlife is not for sissies, it takes dedication, passion, gruelling hard physical labour, great risk and discomfort.

‘It’s rewarding when we succeed and causes heartache and frustration if we don’t but saving animals is what we have all committed to do and our team does it to the best of our abilities’.

Immediately after release, the two rhinos charged off to freedom with conservation employees ushering them away from the mud wallow.

This was one of many rhinos across the region that have become trapped in mud wallows and had to be freed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife's Game Capture Unit PHOTOS: Ezemvelo Game Capture Unit
This was one of many rhinos across the region that have become trapped in mud wallows and had to be freed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife’s Game Capture Unit
PHOTOS: Ezemvelo Game Capture Unit



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