
WATCH: Top 10 scary movies you shouldn’t watch alone

If you are all for gripping the couch pillows in absolute terror, here’s ten movies you have to watch tonight.

SOME movies were just made to make you laugh, or cry, or think about your existence.

Others, take on the more sinister role of scaring you senseless.

In honour of Halloween, we have taken a look at 10 movies that will leave you curled up in the foetal position under your duvet, praying for dawn.

10. Seven


“What’s in the box!?”

In this Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey psycho-thriller, you are taken on a wild ride as two cops hunt down a crazed serial killer who dispatches his victims according to the seven deadly sins of the Bible.

With more twists than a roller coaster, this is an absolute must watch.

9. The Exorcist


Aah yes, nothing beats a good old tale of demonic possession.

When a 12-year-old girl starts displaying signs of possession by evil spirits, an exorcist is called in to get rid of the demons.

This movie was banned from a number of countries for some time, and watching it will leave you in no doubt why.


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Has a cupboard door or a curtain ever scared you? No? After watching this movie where a faceless horror attacks a family relentlessly, even normal day-to-day objects in your home will creep you out.

It’s a classic, and has to be seen at least once.

7. The Blair Witch Project


This movie takes on an altogether more abstract view on fear, taking the audience right down with it.

Most of the scenes are shot from ‘camcorder view’, as if the actors were recording the entire thing.

The horror is also faceless…what makes this movie scary, is seeing the actual fear in the actors eyes.


6. A Nightmare on Elm Street


This is the quintessential horror movie. Freddie Kruger stalks a small American neighbourhood, killing them off one by one.

Be sure to get the original, starring a young Johnny Depp. The remakes just aren’t on the same level of creepy.


5. The Sixth Sense


This movie will have you reaching for your remote to hit rewind, as you second guess yourself again and again.

The now infamous line ‘I see dead people’ spawned from the dialogue of young Cole, who battles with the fact he can communicate and see people who have passed on.

But yet again, the plot twists will have you staring at the screen in disbelief.


4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Good old blood and gore. A massive chainsaw toting brute wearing a face as a mask chases down and chops up a number of innocent people.

He is of course backed up by his gang of crazy, inbred family.

It’s predictable, but still scary.

3. The Grudge


This movie is based on the theory that when a person dies in violent circumstances, a curse is born that transfers to another living person, causing their untimely death.

It’s an American remake of a Japanese movie, and will send shivers down your spine for days after watching it.


2. The Ring


Another Japanese-American remake that is guaranteed to shock you silly.

In a world overtaken with video content and chain messages that tell you you will die if you don’t forward it to ten people, this movie is all the more scary.

If you don’t show someone else the video of The Ring within seven days after watching it…you will die.


1. The Shining

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The Shining makes it to our number one spot simply because it showcases how human madness is the one true horror that stalks us all.

We all have that one relative who constantly teeters on the edge of sanity, and this movie shows what can happen when such a person is given a slight push…

Happy watching!

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