Local sportSport

Amakhosi ready for battle on the sport field

uThungulu launches Amakhosi sports tournament to take place on Sunday.

IN an effort to ensure sport revival in rural areas, the uThungulu Sport and Recreation Department has teamed up with local Amakhosi to organise a sport tournament for young people in the district.

The tournament, called Amakhosi Asemzansi, will be held on Sunday at the University of Zululand sport grounds, and is the brain child of the Department of Sport and Recreation and Orange Grove Dairies.

The areas involved fall under Inkosi Mpungose (uMlalazi), Inkosi Cebekhulu (Obizo), Inkosi Zungu (Madlebe), Inkosi Mkhwanazi, Inkosi Mthembu (kwaSomopho), Inkosi Dube (Ntumeni in eShowe) and Inkosi Mthethwa (uMfolozi).

Only four sporting codes will be showcased during this year’s tournament – boxing, soccer, netball and indigenous games (Dikebe).

The teams will compete on a tribal basis. Each category carries a stake of R5 000 for the winning team, R3 000 for the runners-up, and R2 000 third prize.

As a sign of ubuntu, the prizes will be donated to needy charities by each of the winning Amakhosi teams.

Inkosi Mthembu of kwaSomopho said, ‘We are very excited about this tournament, as it will bring unity among our people.

‘We appreciate the fact the sponsor will be leaving something behind. If other companies were to follow the example of Orange Grove, we can have an even bigger tournament,’ Inkosi Mthembu said.

uMhlathuze Municipality Mayor, Cllr Mduduzi Mhlongo, said Orange Grove demonstrated what can be achieved when private business partners with other government sectors to uplift communities.

‘uThungulu District is known for pioneering major sports tournaments within the province which, among others, include the JZ Chess competition and the Msholozi Football Tournament, which have both become provincial events.’

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