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A tribute to man’s best friend

No matter what one does in life, a dog will always love you

BEFORE the evolution of wolves into dogs, it is suggested that humans and wolves worked together hunting game.

Wolves were the superior tracker, but humans were the superior killer; thus wolves would lead humans to the prey and humans would leave some of the meat to the wolves.

This working relationship eventually led to the evolution of dogs, though there is controversy as to the exact nature of that transition.

Some say wolves evolved naturally into dogs, wherein the wolves that worked best with humans slowly began to assimilate and pass their domesticated genes down.

Others say that humans took wolf pups and raised them to be domesticated.

The statement that dog is man’s best friend was first recorded as being made by Frederick, King of Prussia in 1789.

The earliest citation in the US is traced to a poem printed in the The New-York Literary Journal, Volume 4, 1821.

No matter what one does, a dog will always love and follow his owner.

Man's best friend
Man’s best friend



The faithful dog – why should I strive

To speak his merits, while they live

In every breast, and man’s best friend

Does often at his heels attend.



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