
Top 10 greatest movie characters

Who do you think deserves to wear the greatest movie character crown?

A LIST of the top 10 greatest movie characters was recently compiled by Empire magazine readers, which saw ‘Indiana Jones’ topping the list.

Indiana Jones: An archaeologist and ancient civilisations lecturer

Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones

James Bond: Bond. James Bond. Aka ‘007’

James Bond
James Bond

Han Solo: A character from Star Wars, more specifically, The captain of the Millennium Falcon and a member of the Rebel Alliance

Han Solo
Han Solo

Batman: Known for his masterful tactics among other things


Ellen Ripley: The only female character featured on this list, from the movie Alien.

Ellen Ripley
Ellen Ripley


The Joker: Batman’s enemy, recognizable by his malicious smile and slimy green hair.

The Joker
The Joker

John McClane: A favourite among Die Hard fans everywhere.

Die Hard
John McClane

Tyler Durden: The split personality of an insomniac proving a little craziness is always needed to shake things up in Fight Club.

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Darth Vader: Known by one of the most misquote lines of all time, “Luke I am your father”.

Darth vader
Darth Vader

Jeff ‘The Dude’ Lebowski: An unemployed slacker and a keen bowler in The Big Lebowski.

The dude
Jeff ‘The Dude’ Lebowski


* Source: SkyNews



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