
The return of ‘Zulu’ to the Zulus

Plans to screen behind-the-scenes footage of the 1964 film 'Zulu'.

YEARS ago, Britain fell in love with the film ‘Zulu’, an epic on the Anglo-Zulu war released in 1964.

The film was shot in Zululand involving about 2 000 locals in the cast, but they were never afforded a screening.

Hoping to change that is British film Director Henry Coleman, who has embarked on a cinematic journey by directing a 26-minute documentary titled ‘ Zulu and the Zulus’ containing behind-the-scenes footage shot in 1963.

‘I intend to screen the footage for the Zulu people who have never seen it before, and interview members of the local cast and crew who worked on this classic film 50 years ago,’ Coleman said.

President of the Inkatha Freedom Party, Mangosuthu Buthelezi commended Coleman on his initiative.

‘This will add to the rich treasury of cinematographic history, but no doubt also to the world’s understanding of one the greatest African nations. I look forward to seeing the ‘lost footage’ and I wish him and his team every success with this project.’ Buthelezi said.

The team however is in need of financial aid to transport the team to Zululand and have turned to ‘Kickstarter’ – a website which is home to various creative projects, opened to anyone interested in contributing funding.

Log on to www.kickstarter.com and search the documentary title.

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