
No paramedics report for duty

Irate strikers stone EMRS bus.

CRITICAL emergency and medical services have been brought to a standstill as Emergency Medical and Rescue Services (EMRS) employees embarked on strike action at midnight.

There are currently no ambulances servicing the entire uThungulu District and the emergency call centre has been subsequently shut down after no staff reported for duty this morning.
According to sources close to the Zululand Observer, a bus carrying patients was stoned earlier this morning at the northern entrance to Empangeni.

The state vehicle was transporting patients from eManguzi to Ngwelezana Hospital, which is a hub for patient referrals to various provincial hospitals.

EMRS has since requested the assistance of private services, the military health wing and the Fire Department for emergencies while calls have been re-routed to the provincial office.

The strike is expected to extend to all four shifts and could continue during the weekend.
EMRS employees are reportedly unhappy about the alleged failure by the department to implement the pay out of the Occupational Specific Dispensation.
They further argue the use of attorneys for disciplinary matters at the Bargaining Council which has reportedly resulted in unfair dismissals. The strike action also relates to the failure to pay danger allowance to emergency care officers and shift leaders in the control centre.

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