
Caution urged in citizens’ arrests

SAPS warns of what not to do when making a citizens arrest

ANTI-CRIME action taken by a neighbourhood watch group in Kildare suburb has been lauded by members of the SAPS.

However, the praise given at a meeting of the Empangeni Crime Prevention Forum on Tuesday, was accompanied with a dire warning.

Captain Bonginkosi Dludla, liaison between the CPF and SAPS, responded to questions surrounding the legality of these groups and the actions they take.

‘We must congratulate this group for their work,’ he said.

‘Working together with SAPS, groups like these can really make a difference.’

Captain Dludla explained the many facets involved when a citizen’s arrest is made, and gave some stern advice.

‘You cannot assault these people,’ he said. ‘If a suspect is injured during the arrest, these injuries must be accounted for in the statement.’

He said the magistrate would ask a suspect who appears in court injured, how the injuries occurred.

If the answer is related to assault, the magistrate would then order the suspect to open a case at the police station.

However, if the injuries are accounted for in the original statements, it makes for a smooth prosecution process.

An injured suspect cannot be kept at the police station, and has to be treated by medical staff. This causes delays in the processing of the case.

Although Captain Dludla expressed his understanding that suspects would not be subdued willingly, he urged members of neighbourhood watch groups to be cautious and to avoid a situation where they would in turn be criminally charged.

‘It is also important for members of such groups to get the details of the officers who arrest the suspects on the scene,’ said Captain Dludla.

‘This makes following up much easier for us.’

‘I think these comments are very important,’ said CPF Chairperson, Zilindile Masango.

‘We must remember not to break the law in the process of protecting our property.’

Residents were encouraged to form neighbourhood watch groups and to join social media groups that cover their areas.


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