Local Business

Myeni’s business achievements recognised

Musa Myeni, renowned Zululand businessman and entrepreneur, was last week honoured for his business acumen.

MUSA Myeni, a renowned Zululand businessman and entrepreneur, was honoured at a function last week for his groundbreaking investments in Zululand, the latest of which is Meet Mekaar Resorts in Mfolozi.

During construction, Meet Mekaar employed more than 200 people over three years and today, as a fully functioning enterprise, the resort has created 76 permanent jobs.

The seasoned entrepreneur transformed what was an ordinary lodge into an iconic function and wedding venue.

At the function to acknowledge his business achievements, President of the Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Judith Nzimande, spoke about the importance of entrepreneurship in growing the region’s economy and acknowledged the important role both family and financial institutions play in getting a business off its feet.

Accepting his award, Myeni acknowledged the role his wife Bongiwe and their family played in his success.

Describing his success, Myeni said, ‘It’s courage bordering on stupidity, supported by wisdom’.

Myeni spoke fondly of his staff at the Myeni Grou, which currently employs 2 116 permanent staff nationally.

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