
Holidaymaker fighting for his life after shooting

A Cape Town man was attacked and robbed in Sodwana Bay.

A CAPE Town family’s holiday turned into a nightmare when they became victims of an armed robbery near Sodwana Bay.

Brian Flanagan was shot in the back after he was accosted by a man begging for money last Friday.

Brian, his wife, June and their son Andrew had spent the day at Mabibi Beach and were returning to their accommodation just before 5pm, via a rural track between Lake Sibaya and Sodwana when tragedy struck.

‘Branches blocked the road and we stopped to clear the way. My dad exited the vehicle to move the branches and we were approached by a man asking for money.

‘We refused and the man pulled out a gun and shot my dad in the back as he was getting back into the vehicle,’ said Andrew who was driving the car.

During the confusion, and Andrew’s attempts to pull Brian into the car, they drove off the road, stopping in the bush.

The gun-wielding man approached them again and demanded money at gunpoint. The family relented and handed over  R4 000 before the criminal fled the scene.

Time was of the essence but inadequate clinic facilities at Mbazwana saw the family rush Brian to Mseleni Hospital where he was stabilised before being transported to Life Empangeni Garden Clinic.

At 4.30am on Saturday, almost 12 hours after he was shot, Brian underwent surgery, with another operation on Monday afternoon. He remains in a critical condition.

Mbazwana SAPS has opened a case of armed robbery and, from the victims’ description of their attacker, confirmed he is responsible for other crimes in the area.

While no arrests have been made, police officers are following leads and urge community members to assist in the identity and whereabouts of the attacker.

According to Andrew Zaloumis, iSimangaliso Wetland Park CEO, Sodwana Bay is part of the proclaimed park and is without residents.

Although it is commonly called Sodwana Bay, the town in which people live is Qongwana, an extension of Mbazwana.

‘The shooting happened in Thungwini, not Sodwana,’ said Zaloumis. He confirmed the shooting was reported to the iSimangaliso emergency line and park rangers were dispatched to the scene. Footprints were tracked to a nearby shebeen where they were lost.

‘iSimangaliso condemns this wanton crime which will have a negative impact on the region,’ said Zaloumis.

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