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Fire ravages Bay home

Richards Bay couple lose thousands in house fire.

A FIRE that ravaged through a Richards Bay couple’s house has left them with damages running into hundreds of thousands of rands.

Local photographer, Sue Barnard and her husband Martin’s property in Arboretum was gutted when a blaze started in their main bedroom around 9pm on Wednesday.

Martin went to bed while Sue went across the street to complete some digital editing work with her sister when the fire started.

Sue said she rushed home in a panic after being alerted and found all the lights were off.

Her husband had woken up to find the room engulfed in flames.

‘I opened the front door and thick black smoke had filled the house. I managed to reach the bedroom and began spraying water at the entrance of the bedroom to help my husband escape.

‘We have recently renovated our en-suite bathroom and I also converted the spare bedroom into a photo studio, and everything was destroyed, while the smoke and water damaged the rest of the house.

They are currently residing with her sister.



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