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Pellet injury causes hadeda to suffer

Bird shot with pellet gun.

A LOCAL veterinarian has condemned the senseless killing of a Hadeda Ibis bird this week in Richards Bay.

The vet, who wished to remain anonymous, said it was unacceptable to shoot wild animals for fun or for target practice and the number of these incidents was of concern.

The bird was recovered in Arboretum and sustained multiple injuries after being shot with a pellet through the chest which shattered its wing and joints

‘This is such unacceptable behaviour for children to injure animals in such a cruel manner.

‘There was nothing that could have been done for this bird, it was gasping for air when it came in and had to be ‘put down’.

‘Parents must teach their children manners and respect for animals, it is unacceptable to shoot wild animals for fun.’

He said a while ago, a cat was shot in Empangeni and had multiple organs shattered and, despite undergoing major surgery, it died.

The extent of injuries sustained by animals shot with pellet guns indicate that animals are being shot at close range.





  1. I agree, it is unacceptable for children handling any kind of weapon on their own. Shooting any kind of living animal is an utter disgrace, animals are suppose to be in our care – not at our mercy!

  2. It isn’t only the children! Why are the parents buying the children weapons, parents are supposed to be responsible, but it isn’t only the children, its grown-ups too,

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