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Splash of hot coffee saves family

Family escapes panga attack, thanks to hot coffee

A GRANTHAM Park family faced a scary start to the day on Tuesday morning when the homeowner stepped out his front door to be faced by two intruders, one armed with a panga.

Following the usual morning routine of letting the dog out into the yard and enjoying a cup of fresh coffee in the garden, the man stepped out to find two young young men his doorstep.

In utter disbelief and completely startled, the man threw his hot cup of coffee into the face of the intruder and slammed the door and locked it.

‘I was on my way to join my husband outside when I heard the mug break and the door slam,’ said the wife.

The family in shock, waited for help while the intruder continued to bang on the front door.

‘Our security company Nite Owl was incredibly efficient and were there in no time, the men, who were very young and looked about 22 and 12-years-old, ran away,’ said the wife.

‘Just recently we upped the security at our home. We have high walls topped with spikes and an alarm system and yet that has proved to not be enough.

‘We just want to warn the rest of the community to constantly be aware and alert. We thank God for my husband’s ability to think on his feet and react so quickly,’ she said.

One Comment

  1. I’m also staying at Empamgeni, 51 President Swaart. On tuesday I also witnessed intruders there. I was sleeping in my back room and they came in took my wallet and ran away. There was a red car that was waiting opposite our gate. The two intruders ran with their feets while that red car followed.

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