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WATCH: Violence-free elections in King Cetshwayo District

Beefed-up police presence in King Cetshwayo District reaps results

No major incidents of violence, intimidation or chaos were reported at any of the voting stations across King Cetshwayo District on Wednesday, confirmed police spokesperson Captain Siyanda Shangase.

The national and provincial elections went off without any safety or security hitches and police were out in force, with over 2 000 officers deployed across the region.

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Shangase said there was an incident reported in KwaMbonambi area, where a voter from Johannesburg took a piece of paper and pushed it into the ballot box, but he was removed from the venue.

“In eSikhaleni, one person was arrested for assault on an IEC official inside the voting station and the suspect was immediately detained and arrested.

“All stations were beefed up with mass police presence and additional roving teams of SAPS members visiting sites to ensure law and order was maintained,” he said.


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