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Zululanders top up Sea Rescue’s tanks

Community heeds NSRI's distress call

THE distress call by the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) last week for urgent donations towards fuel costs was met with overwhelming generosity by the Zululand public during the past weekend’s ‘coin collection’.

Having lost their main fuel donor, crew members of the NSRI Station 19 team donned in their call-out gear, made their way to the Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre and Meerensee Spar in Richards Bay to garner public support.

And the response was phenomenal as people raised more than R10 000 with local company, Lindsay’s Castings handing over a further R1 500 on Saturday.

The volunteer NSRI crew thank the public for generously donating R11 906.00 towards our annual fuel costs,’ said Deputy Station Commander Brynn Gericke.

‘Without the support from our community and local businesses, we would not be able to go out and assist those in need. The crew put in a lot of personal time into training and maintaining the station and these efforts make it that much more worthwhile,’ said Gericke.

The local NSRI is regarded as one of the busiest along the country’s coastline manning 320 km of coastline from Tugela Mouth in the south to the Mozambique border in the north.

The organisation, run by unpaid volunteers who offer up their time and expertise to save lives, are entirely dependent on contributions from both the private and public sectors.

Companies willing to transfer funds should contact Brynn on 083 2545538 or email brynn@intekom.co.za. These donations qualify for SARS 18A and BBBEE benefits.

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