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KZN rhino poaching figures raise concern

Poaching trends show a move away from Kruger National Park (KNP) to provincial and private reserves

Despite a national decline in rhino poaching figures in the first half of this year, concerns have been raised about the rising numbers in KZN.

In first six months of 2023, 231 rhinos were killed in South Africa – an 11% decrease (or 28 animals) compared with the same period last year.

The figures were released on Tuesday by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE).

DFFE Minister Barbara Creecy revealed that between 1 January and 30 June this year, poaching trends continued to show a move away from Kruger National Park (KNP) to provincial and private reserves, notably Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP).

“Forty two rhino were poached in KNP and 143 in KZN. Of these, 46 were poached on privately-owned game reserves,” she said.

A total of 133 rhino were poached in KZN between January and June last year – 11 less than this year’s figures.
Save the Rhino said these new figures paint an increasingly worrying picture for the species in KZN.

“Rhino populations, and the rangers dedicated to protecting them, remain under relentless pressure,” said Save the Rhino International CEO Dr Jo Shaw.

“We will continue supporting our partners in KZN, doing as much as we can to boost immediate activities on the ground while also working with others to champion long-term rhino conservation strategies,” she said.


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