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Help Richards Bay blood clinic reach Mandela Day target

Blood stocks are at critically low levels

Blood stock levels are critically low, and the Richards Bay blood donor clinic appeals to residents to help them reach their target of 120 pints during their Mandela Day blood drive this week.

Existing donors as well as first timers are urged to visit the donor centre at Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre to donate as part of their 67 minutes for Madiba Day.

While all blood groups are urged to donate, it is Group O, the universal donor, to whom the blood bank has issued a special request, as this blood type can be given to recipients no matter their blood type.

The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is faced with critically low blood stocks and is reaching out to more South Africans to step up and help save lives.

“We are in the midst of a blood stock crisis as levels continue to drop consistently. The frigid weather has affected donation levels, which is why we call on all who are willing and able to donate a unit of blood,” said Siemi Prithvi-Raj, SANBS executive of donor services, marketing, communication and brand.

“Winter is synonymous with low blood collections when schools and universities close for a break, and the donors we rely on for our much-needed donations dissipate.

“While SANBS hoped for better collections this year, the situation remains challenging.

“In the spirit of Mandela Month, let us take it into our hands to continue his legacy of giving. New donors will help ease the pressure on existing donors, as well as help maintain blood stocks at acceptable levels throughout the year.

“Whether you bring a friend along or invite us to host a blood drive at your business, residential complex, community centre or local church, you can help to make a difference. Every drop counts,” said Prithvi-Raj.


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