
Bay women assaulted in city pub

The women were bruised and beaten and sustained injuries while having racial remarks directed at them.

A SOCIAL get-together turned nasty for three Richards Bay women who were allegedly assaulted and racially attacked outside a bar in Essenwood Way, Arboretum on Friday night.

According to one of the victims, Anita Ntombela, her sister and friend had been enjoying drinks at the bar and invited her to join them.

The two left to fetch Ntombela, however, when they returned, they were refused entry by men standing at the entrance and told to go somewhere else.

It is believed a brawl followed and the women were man-handled, bruised and beaten and sustained injuries while having racial remarks directed at them.

‘It was Human Rights Day and we were just looking for a spot to hang out, relax and enjoy some drinks.

‘It is appalling that in this day and age, racism is still so rife in our communities.

‘We were told to go away as this was ‘not a place for Blacks’ and they would continue to beat us up if we did not listen,’ Ntombela said.

‘We argued that this was not a ‘whites only’ area and the group of men really got upset and began wrestling us, throwing my friend down the stairs and assaulting us.

‘The three of us had to receive medical attention and my friend sustained a twisted ankle,’ she said.

The matter was reported to the Richards Bay SAPS and a case was opened.

Attempts to contact the bar for comment were unsuccessful.


  1. Disgusting that people still behave like this.
    The Owner and Management should be taken to task for allowing something like this to happen – if you sit and watch it happen and do nothing to stop it you are just as barbaric and guilty as those who physically did it
    You are a disgrace

  2. Such a sad story that is still exist I wonder why bt I hope that God punish them

  3. This is not the 1st time this is happened at that pub. People of colour are not treated will at the place. It’s always a risk to enter the place. The Owner must be made to answer. Not too long ago there was a indian guy who had his jaw broken,in side the pub. When police went to have a look at the video tape the Owner said it was missing. The Pub is a hang-out for white racesiss. Let’s hope the ZO can look into the matter.

  4. The pub is a hang-out for racesiss. The owner must be brought to book. Not to long ago a indian guy had his jaw broken. The video tape of the act went missing. The Owner seem’s to be on the side of the racesiss.

  5. Why on Human Rights day you as a zulu woman wanna go to a “white’s” only bar??? You wanna proof that you as a zulu can do as you pleez,what do you think will happen to me,if I went to a tarven in let’s say Ngwelezane? Do you think ill be safe as a mlogo woman??? Hell no!!

  6. Not the first time this pub has been involved in racism it’s time something was done about it.

  7. The indian guy who was assulted there happen to be a member of the bike club that belongs to the owner so they are house friends just saying

  8. I have been verbally attacked by African Americans a few times this year because of my skin colour and that being said it wasn’t because I had racist remarks nor did anything to deserve it. Last incident happened at the hospital and blatantly told me after taking meal orders from other race patients that she refuse to take mine because I’m white and that I will eat what I get.
    This goes both ways unfortunately and coming from a 1st world country I have never experienced anything like this before. We have so much of problems in South Africa, why not unite and fight against the REAL criminals and problems instead of fighting against other coloured race just because of their skin colour and believes?

  9. That place is a poo hole. Don’t know why anyone would want to hang there. But it’s still disgusting behaviour from bar patrons

  10. I can’t say that this this something new to me. Richardsbay is one of the most racist places in KZN. Utterly disgusting. Don’t know they that this is a dmocratic south africa. These men need to b dealt with seriously. These women should sue them and close down this disguting place.

  11. in my opinion respectable young ladies do not belong in pubs irregardless of their color of their skins

  12. Terrible,honestly disgusted….you’ll should be ashamed to do something like that let alone hit woman

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