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Banks don’t want your car back

Here are some useful tips for consumers to avoid having their vehicle repossessed

Repossessing a customer’s car is the very last step a finance house will take because the bank or lending house would far rather have the customer keep the car than for them to have to take it away due to missed or non-payments.

So says Lebogang Gaoaketse, head of marketing and communication at WesBank.

ALSO READ: Wesbank responds to vehicle repossession claims

“We understand the true value of a vehicle and how it can represent so much more than a mode of transport to so many people; it is a symbol of their success and a means to mobility freedom to come and go as you please.

“As such, having one’s car repossessed is a traumatic experience,” says Gaoaketse.

“Customers who can’t meet their vehicle repayment obligations owing to financial challenges are encouraged to contact the bank as soon as possible to discuss potential alternative payment arrangements.

ALSO READ: Repossessed properties insights

Defaults on payments will always result in a consultation between the bank and the customer,” explained Gaoaketse.

“This will also negatively impact your credit status as credit bureaus are notified if you cannot make a payment.

“If legal action has been taken against you, this will affect your credit score when applying for future credit.”

WesBank offers some useful tips to consumers to avoid having their vehicle repossessed:

Pay on time
The best way to avoid having your vehicle repossessed is to make all your payments on time. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you don’t miss any payments.

Communicate with your lender
If you’re having trouble making payments, it’s important to communicate with your lender. Together, you can explore a solution that works for both of you as the first step to you keeping your car

Prioritise payments
If you’re struggling to make payments on all your bills, it’s important to prioritise them. Pay your essential bills first, such as rent, utilities, and car repayments.

Refinance your loan
Refinancing your loan may be another option to investigate, depending on your situation. This could help lower your monthly payments or get a lower interest rate.

Sell or downgrade
If you’re unable to make payments and have explored all the financial options open to you, you could consider selling or downsizing the vehicle. This will avoid having the vehicle repossessed and enable you to pay off the outstanding loan amount.

“It is important for customers to understand that creditors will only repossess a vehicle as a last resort if no other payment arrangement can be made.

“We always investigate and discuss all options available to our customers so they can make the repayments.

“It really is in everyone’s favour at the end of the day to keep the car in the customer’s garage, rather than on our auction floor,” concludes Gaoaketse.


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