
BLOGGING THE VIEW: 7 reasons to adopt a pet

Considering adding a furry family member?

ANIMALS come with many enormous benefits, but if you’re looking at adding a new member to the family, it’s really worth considering adopting rather than buying from a breeder or store.

But whatever way you go, giving an animal a happy and loving home comes with just as many benefits for you as it does for the four-legged friend.

1. You’re a lifesaver
You want a reason to feel good? Save a life! By adopting a pet from an animal shelter, you’re most likely saving a healthy animal from death as, according to Knysna Animal Welfare, more than 920 00 adoptable dogs and cats are euthanised in South Africa simply because there isn’t funding to care for them any longer. By adopting a dog or cat, you’re saving a life and opening up space for another shelter animal.

2. Pets keep you active
If you adopt a dog, you’re going to need to take the dogs on regular walks to keep them happy and healthy. The upside is that you’re spending quality time with your pet while also keeping happy and healthy. Sometimes we all need that push to get us out the door and keep active, and a dog is literally just that. Without a dog, you might become a lethargic, unhealthy slob as you come up with reasons not to exercise.

3. Pets calm you down
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, the last few years have been incredibly stressful! This constant anxiety of a pandemic, riots and flooding leads to increased stress and many associated health problems. Fortunately, pets can help. By simply being in your presence, watching them and stroking them, blood pressure drops as does cholesterol. This actually decreases your chances of suffering a heart attack in later life.

4. Pets improve your immunity
Research has shown that having pets in the home actually improves the immune system – something we can all benefit from. Because they bring dirt and germs into the home, children are coming into contact with natural germs that stimulate the immune response. This is a good thing! Too much of a sanitary environment weakens the immune system, making us all more susceptible when the germs do arrive.

5. Pets actually stop allergies
Although some people are allergic to pets, having a pet actually improves the protection of children developing certain allergies. There’s some evidence that dander in the fur can assist in this, but the germs that animals bring in and stimulation of the immune system is also a major factor.

6. Pets help children with learning disabilities
Research also shows that children with ADHD, autism and other learning disabilities benefit from regular interaction with animals. Having pets is also a big responsibility, which is a great way to encourage children to follow a structured routine and care for others.

7. Pets prevent loneliness
For everyone from children through to the elderly, pets provide great companionship. This is not only a great way to improve your mood, but the constant love and affection of a pet are also beneficial to your mental health. This was made abundantly clear during hard lockdown when people couldn’t interact – having a pet made all the difference.

Remember that adopting a pet is a major responsibility requiring daily time and care, plus the costs involved in feeding and medical care. It’s a bit of responsibility, but well worth it for those willing to take the leap.

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