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Vultures are vital to the food chain

This endangered species is commemorated on Vulture Awareness Day on Saturday, 3 September

THE Wildlife ACT NPO is encouraging everyone to join in commemorating Vulture Awareness Day on Saturday, 3 September.

This day highlights the importance of vultures to the ecosystem, as well as the rapidly decreasing numbers that could result in the bird’s extinction.

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Considered nature’s clean-up crew, vultures are incredibly important scavengers that remove decomposing flesh and bone which could make living conditions toxic for humans.

Vulture conservation programme manager Anel Olivier said those living in KZN’s rural areas benefit the most from vultures.

“A large proportion of the human population lives in rural areas and is reliant on nature to provide much of their basic needs such as food and water, and subsistence livestock farming,” said Olivier.

“It is not only agriculture and wildlife reserves that benefit from this clean-up crew.

“Owing to their heavy dependence on nature, local communities benefit hugely from the role of vultures,” she explained.

Support the conservation of vultures by donating to the cause. For more information, visit www.wildlifeact.com



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