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Zululand region’s dam levels steady ahead of dry winter months

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in KZN said it is pleased with the storage levels

The region’s dam levels remain steady with Goedertrouw dam near eShowe standing above 100% capacity with both Pongolapoort and Hluhluwe dams at over 80%.

Goedertrouw was recorded at 102% last week; a minimal shift from the previous week’s 103%.

ALSO READ: Zululand dam levels remain steady

Pongolapoort dam is also slightly down, from 86.3% to 85.8% while Hluhluwe Dam is down from 83.8% to 83.1%.

Releasing the weekly report on the status of dam levels, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in KZN said, although it is pleased with the storage levels, residents must continue to use water sparingly.

‘The department continues to work closely with the provincial government to implement measures to alleviate water scarcity challenges such as the effective roll-out of mega water infrastructure projects through the Regional

Bulk Infrastructure Grant programme and the Water Services Infrastructure Grant,’ said DWS spokesperson Sputnik Ratau.

DWS revealed last week that work on the R800-million Tugela-Goedertrouw Transfer Scheme is progressing.

The transfer scheme – which will ensure long-term water supply to the industrial area of Richards Bay – is 64% complete, with construction having resumed in April.

The project to double the river-to-dam rate of transfer from the present 1.1m3 per second to 2.4m3 per second was marred by delays, with construction grinding to a halt in 2019.



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