
Three ways to fall in love with the fit life

Here are some tips to help you find a fit life that suits you, and will keep you motivated throughout your journey. 

By now, many of us have already fallen off the fitness wagon. With New Year’s resolutions long forgotten and exercise plans replaced with indulgent outings, many of us are back to square one. And it’s understandable. Forming good exercise habits, when you’re surrounded by temptation and a daily routine that doesn’t cater to your fitness, can be tricky. 

But, you’ll be glad to know, there are ways to fall in love with fitness and inch ever closer to those exercise goals. Here are some tips to help you find a fit life that suits you, and will keep you motivated throughout your journey. 

Put yourself first  

You know the saying, “mind over matter”. When your head is in the right place, everything seems a little less daunting. Knowing you need to live a healthier, fitter life because of physical or mental concerns, or just wanting to look beach ready for that year-end holiday, is motivation enough to get started. 

And, while sticking to an exercise routine isn’t always easy, keeping your mind on track and putting yourself first is the way to go. Start by being more mindful of how you could become more active without making big changes. Try walking to the shops instead of driving, taking the stairs and not the elevator, or doing simple sit-ups while watching your favourite soap opera. 

Once you’ve realised the benefit of a fit life and how easily a bit of exercise can be incorporated into your day, you’ll be more willing to move on to the next step. 

Find what you enjoy  

Jogging isn’t for everyone, but you might enjoy a spinning class. You could be a natural hockey player, but the idea of group aerobics makes you uncomfortable. It’s all about discovering what you love and committing to it. This might take some time, so try a few different exercises to see what gets your heart racing.   

Cardio exercises, like walking on the treadmill, are great for beginners who don’t want to put their sweat on display for an entire class to see. And weight training can help firm up muscles and improve your strength – so you can finally open that jar of gherkins! 

But back to the topic… don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Set yourself the task of trying at least one activity per week. While you might not find your perfect match straight away, the key is finding something you’re willing to do again – and eliminating the other contenders. 

Make exercise fit your lifestyle  

There’s always the issue of time. Some might have an extra hour in the mornings or after work, but many people don’t have the luxury of hitting the gym or attending a CrossFit class every day. However, if you’re determined enough, you’ll find a way to fit exercise into your lifestyle.   

Innovative local company Striide offers premium workout equipment for rent or purchase. So you can fit in a rowing session while waiting for the chicken to roast, lift a few weights while laying on your living room floor, or do a stationary ride while you catch up with your team on Zoom. Get the pricing options here.   

Finding your fitness groove is all about falling in love with exercise. Whatever it is, once you’ve settled on something you enjoy, you’ll be hooked. And, hopefully, one step closer to showing those New Year’s resolutions who’s boss.

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Gareth Drawbridge

Digital content producer
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