
Do motorists know how to use traffic circles? Here’s a tutorial..

Traffic circles were built in Paul Avenue several years ago to alleviate congestion at the busy intersections in Empangeni.

Traffic circles were built in Paul Avenue several years ago to alleviate congestion at the busy intersections in Empangeni.

Roundabouts are aimed at reducing crashes and improving efficiency of the intersection.

But that depends on whether motorists know how to use a traffic circle. While the traffic calming measures are necessary, it is obvious that some using the roundabouts do not know traffic circle rules.

For instance, I have personally witnessed vehicles exiting the nearby shopping centre and attempting to proceed straight towards the right instead of entering the circle on the left. This is very dangerous and could result in head-on collisions.

Motorists should do a refresher course on how to use roundabouts.

Slow down as you approach the intersection. You are typically not required to stop but may have to, depending on the traffic.

As you enter the roundabout, traffic coming from your right has right of way. This means that traffic streaming into the roundabout from the entrance to your right will keep coming as long as no one is coming from their right.

Watch for pedestrians and bicycles.

Keep in mind that buses or large trucks need extra room to make turns and might take up more than one lane in a traffic circle.

If you miss your turn, just go around again. Avoid swerving at the last minute.


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