
LETTER: eSikhaleni speed hump design a hazard

These humps cannot be up to government standard and, as a result, force motorists to drop down to first gear and clear the hump between 5km/h and 10km/h

It frustrates me on a daily basis, commuting from eSikhaleni to Empangeni and having to drive the section of road in Madlankala with numerous speed humps.

These humps cannot be up to government standard and, as a result, force motorists to drop down to first gear and clear the hump between 5km/h and 10km/h, prolonging drive time.

Having to slow down to such a low speed is also a safety hazard, particularly after dark.

I understand the reasoning for the number of humps on this particular road – owing to the high volume of pedestrians, cattle and goats next to the roadway.

But by having to slow down every few metres to drive over these mountainous humps, makes these zones a hijacking hot spot.

Never mind the fact that emergency vehicles cannot react rapidly to situations.

As an avid reader of the Eyethu Bay Watch, I have seen countless articles written by various journalists over the years, with comment from the local municipality on this issue, but nothing has been done.

I would love to see the City of uMhlathuze step up and sort this issue out once and for all.

It is sad that the majority of drivers have to suffer because of the minority of motorists who drive like lunatics, putting pedestrians’ lives in danger.

The reality is that these speed humps are necessary on this section of road, but the way they are designed is wrong. They do not meet the height, length or width requirements.

As it is almost election time, hopefully our local government will wake up and fix this issue.


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