
BLOGGING THE VIEW: 7 ways to make your life simpler and happier

There’s no reason to live a more complicated life than necessary. Start slowly by cutting out what you don’t need so that you have more time for what you actually want

THE older we get, the more complicated life gets.

Sure, you have more responsibilities now, but we also have a propensity for making things unnecessarily complicated which creates stress and anxiety.

If there’s one thing we can all do without, it’s stress – so why not take a few steps (nice and slow!) in order to make your life simpler and happier overall. Here’s how…

1. De-clutter your home
We live in a capitalist world and for the survival of capitalism, consumerists have to exist. However, the age of consumerism is in decline – and for good reason. We don’t actually need all this stuff. In fact, we need very little. But having and wanting all this stuff leads to a host of unnecessary stress. So, get rid of it – the stress and the unnecessary things. They go hand-in-hand! This doesn’t have to be a full-on spring cleaning (unless that’s what you want or need in your life), you can take it day by day, simply removing items you haven’t used in years or emptying out drawers. Then decide if it can be re-used, recycled or donated.

2. Question your motives
Too often, we get into a routine of doing things and, while this routine might have started for a reason, that reason has long past – and yet the routine remains. This can be frustrating for you and others, and is not only wasting your time, but resulting in incremental amounts of stress that add up. Just stop and ask yourself ‘why am I doing this?’ If the reason isn’t convincing enough, or if that reason is no longer valid, then break the habit and stop!

3. Get shopping done early
This might seem a crazy idea, but buying Christmas and birthday gifts earlier in the year will minimise stress in your life. If you know you have to buy certain gifts every year, then there’s no need to leave it until the last minute. Try and purchase a few items monthly, and take advantage of sales, so you’re able to budget more effectively and not create stress where it’s just not needed!

4. Do an audit
You can perform an audit of your life and find out which areas are causing you friction and anxiety – and then you need to address these. You’ll find some of them are really minor points, such as remembering where your keys are or not calling your friends enough, and they can be easily remedied. Some will be a bit bigger, but whatever the problem is, there’s always a solution.

5. Get some sleep
Everything – and I mean everything – is much easier, when you’ve had sufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to all manner of physical and mental issues, with stress and anxiety up there. Commit to getting at least eight hours of sleep twice a week. When you cut down on all your unnecessary routines and activities, and actually question your motives for doing things, you’ll find you have more time. Put that to good use and get some rest.

6. Maximise your time
There’s always lots to do in a day, but often we’re performing extra trips, and wasting time and energy by not streamlining schedules. Try and organise items on your list together, according to area. If your children’s school is near the grocery store, then try do the shopping before fetching the kids and they can help you unpack. If you have to wait between meetings or while fetching someone then kill time by replying to emails. You can also organise your schedule according to the time of day and how you’re feeling. High-energy items can be accomplished early on, whereas laundry folding can be done later in the day while you watch TV.

7. Get your finances in order
Money is one of the biggest sources of stress for anyone, but it doesn’t have to be. Whatever your income, by creating a realistic budget you’re able to get on top of your financial worries and start planning for the future. If you’re not great with money, then consider either meeting with a financial advisor or even download a free budget app to get you on the right path.

There’s no reason to live a more complicated life than necessary.

Start slowly by cutting out what you don’t need so that you have more time for what you actually want.


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